Alanya Side Tour Side Tour



Side Tour

Alanya Side Tour

0,00 USD

15 Available

Alanya and Side are two popular tourist destinations located on the southern coast of Turkey, both offering a mix of history, culture, and natural beauty. A popular tour that combines both destinations could include the following:

  1. Start the day by visiting Alanya Castle, a historical fortification dating back to the 13th century. Enjoy the panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the city from the castle's towers.

  2. After the castle, head to Damlatas Cave, a natural limestone cave that is said to have therapeutic properties due to its high levels of humidity and temperature. Take a guided tour of the cave and learn about its geological features.

  3. After the cave, head to Alanya's famous Cleopatra Beach for some relaxation and swimming in the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean. This beach is named after Cleopatra, who is said to have swum here during her visit to the region.

  4. After lunch, drive to Side, a small ancient town with well-preserved ruins and an impressive Roman theater. Take a walking tour of the town, visiting the Temple of Apollo, the Agora, and the Roman Baths.

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